BOARD TRAINING -2021/22 Board Training will commence in October and will be open to all those registered and proficient members from the U9's through to Cadets. Sessions will run from 4.45 for a 5pm start, until approx 6.00pm. Where ever possible, all members senior members should look to bring their own boards, as the club has only limited supply. At the creek (meet near boat ramp) unless advised. Check Facebook Members Group for any updates

SWIMMING - Start now!  We recommend the Billabong Swim School at Casuarina for all levels of swimming.  Contact them directly to enrol for swim training.  Participation in swim squad is strongly encouraged.  Alternate swim venues are the Tweed Regional Aquatic Centres (TRAC) at Kingscliff or Tweed Heads South (indoor).

RUNNING TRAINING - Running training is via the FNC Beachies group who train as a mixed-club squad. The aim of these sessions will be developing technique, speed off the mark, power and acceleration. The sessions are open to all nippers and will be designed to improve board-race starts/finishes, swim-race starts/finishes, beach sprints and flags. Bring shoes and a drink. 

MARCH PAST - Salt SLSC Juniors are regular medallists in this prestigious lifesaving event. March Past is one of Surf Life Saving’s original events and represents the traditional discipline of a surf lifesaver. Teams of 12, march in time to music around a set course carrying a surf reel, line and belt and following their standard (flag) bearer. Teams march in formation following commands and they are judged on factors such timing, arm and leg swing, space and dressing (position), body carriage and presentation. Each season, as the previous years U14s graduate to become patrolling members, we have new spots available in the team. This is a great way to be involved in a team event that spans every age category of nippers. Training is available to Nippers in U9's to U14's every Wednesday from 5:30 to 6:30pm in front of the clubhouse.